Kamis , 25 May 2023, 22:39 WIB
Monumen Kahlil Gibran di New York akan Segera Diresmika
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- New York adalah rumah bagi banyak monumen publik untuk menghormati para penulis berpengaruh pada abad ke-19 dan ke-20, seperti Lewis Carroll, Hans Christian Andersen, dan Gertrude...
Selasa , 28 Apr 2015, 13:47 WIB
Salma Hayek explores Lebanese roots with film of The Prophet
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEIRUT -- Movie star Salma Hayek said on Monday her new film The Prophet was a labour of love that helped her explore her relationship with her late Lebanese grandfather who adored the book that inspired it.The animated film, which draws on the 1923 book by Lebanese-born writer Kahlil Gibran, tells the story of Almitra, a headstrong girl...
Jumat , 21 Sep 2012, 22:24 WIB
France closes its embassy in Indonesia over insulting cartoon
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - As a precaution to save its citizens...