Rabu , 25 Nov 2015, 14:47 WIB
US forces not involved in shoot down of Russian jet

Senin , 16 Nov 2015, 19:47 WIB
Jokowi: G20 admires Indonesia

Kamis , 12 Nov 2015, 10:17 WIB
Five dead in PKK attacks in Turkey

Kamis , 12 Nov 2015, 06:51 WIB
Fourteen dead after migrant boast sinks off Turkish coast

Jumat , 06 Nov 2015, 22:11 WIB
Turkey detains 20 ISIS suspects in Antalya ahead of G20

Rabu , 04 Nov 2015, 15:48 WIB
Report: Turkish police detain 35 Gulenists after AKP win

Kamis , 22 Oct 2015, 18:01 WIB
Turkish teen detained for 'insulting' Erdogan

Senin , 12 Oct 2015, 23:06 WIB
No Indonesian victims yet in Ankara attacks, Ministry says

Selasa , 29 Sep 2015, 15:00 WIB
Report: Turkey arrests 32 in operation againts Kurdish media

Senin , 28 Sep 2015, 11:15 WIB
Kurdish rebel rockets miss target, kill 2 girls in Turkey

Senin , 21 Sep 2015, 18:33 WIB
Dozens missing in new refugee vessel tragedy

Rabu , 16 Sep 2015, 10:35 WIB
Twenty-two migrants drown as boat capsizes in Aegean Sea

Erdogan slams EU over Mediterranean 'migrant cemetery'
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ANKARA -- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday lashed out at EU states for turning the Mediterranean into a "cemetery" for migrants, accusing Europe of being responsible for the death of every single victim."European countries, which turned the Mediterranean Sea -- the cradle of ancient civilisations -- into a migrant cemetery are party to the crime that...

Kamis , 13 Aug 2015, 15:49 WIB
Hamas chief meets Turkish leaders in Ankara

Ahad , 09 Aug 2015, 01:30 WIB
Why Sutiyoso plans to open intelligence office in Turkey?

Ahad , 02 Aug 2015, 08:16 WIB
Indonesia, Turkey agree to intensify economic cooperation

Ahad , 02 Aug 2015, 07:42 WIB
VP hold banquet for Turkish President Erdogan

Ahad , 02 Aug 2015, 07:15 WIB
Some 260 PKK members killed in Turkey air strikes

Jumat , 31 Jul 2015, 22:24 WIB
Indonesia, Turkey eyes military, shipbuilding cooperation

Selasa , 28 Jul 2015, 20:27 WIB
Qatar voices support to Turkey's security measures

Ahad , 26 Jul 2015, 21:34 WIB
Two kurdish soldiers killed in mainly Kurdish southeast

Kamis , 23 Jul 2015, 10:00 WIB
Two Turkish police killed close to Syria border

Rabu , 22 Jul 2015, 14:36 WIB
US 'strongly condemns' Turkey terror attack

Ahad , 05 Jul 2015, 11:00 WIB
PM: Turkey coalition talks to start next week

Selasa , 23 Jun 2015, 13:01 WIB
Israel, Turkey hold secret meeting to resume reconciliation talks

Erdogan Disebut akan Gagas Koalisi Besar dengan Oposisi
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ANKARA -- Presiden Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Rabu (10/5), melakukan pertemuan mendadak dengan tokoh senior oposisi Partai Rakyat Republik (CHP), sementara kekuatan politik Turki mempertimbangkan kemungkinan koalisi setelah pemilihan anggota legislatif. Partai Keadilan dan Pembangunan (AKP), yang berkuasa, kehilangan suara mayoritas dalam pemilihan umum pada Ahad itu dan menjadi pukulan hebat bagi Erdogan dan AKP, yang telah memerintah...

Ahad , 17 May 2015, 21:01 WIB
Turkey condems Egypt over Morsi death sentence

Rabu , 13 May 2015, 15:45 WIB
Turkey, Greece welcome resumption of Cyprus peace talks

Senin , 11 May 2015, 16:11 WIB
Turkey ex-President Evren, 1980 coup leader, dies aged 97

Ahad , 10 May 2015, 08:16 WIB
1 mln Turks join worldwide clean-up campaign

Kamis , 23 Apr 2015, 19:52 WIB
Turkey recalls ambassador from Austria

Senin , 20 Apr 2015, 19:14 WIB
Turkey PM mocked for 'printing error' peace process omission

Sabtu , 18 Apr 2015, 16:00 WIB
Turkish PM says genocide recognition is 'European racism'

Kamis , 16 Apr 2015, 09:34 WIB
Turkey support arms embargo againts Houthis

Sabtu , 11 Apr 2015, 13:35 WIB