Ahad , 07 Feb 2016, 21:36 WIB
Workers call for stop to layoffs

Jumat , 05 Feb 2016, 03:15 WIB
20,000 workers to stage rally outside State Palace on Saturday

Kamis , 04 Feb 2016, 20:35 WIB
International trade union rejects low wages in Indonesia

Rabu , 03 Feb 2016, 20:44 WIB
Massive layoff threatening Indonesia

Rabu , 02 Dec 2015, 22:17 WIB
Fast train project to absorb 40 thousand workers

Selasa , 12 May 2015, 13:08 WIB
2020 Olympics, Japan needs thousand of construction workers

Selasa , 07 Apr 2015, 16:42 WIB
Official: Hundreds of foreigners in Sukabumi granted working permits

Senin , 26 Jan 2015, 20:45 WIB
Foreign Ministry urges Malaysia to guaranty Indonesian workers' safety

Rabu , 10 Dec 2014, 16:01 WIB
Workers threaten to go on nationwidw strike

Senin , 08 Sep 2014, 18:14 WIB
Thirty-six Indonesian migrant workers evacuated from Libya

Jumat , 08 Aug 2014, 00:40 WIB
Indonesian migrant workers prefer to work in Taiwan, Korea

Rabu , 06 Aug 2014, 11:33 WIB
Philippines sending ship for workers trapped in Libya

Batam accommodates migrant workers from Malaysia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BATAM -- The Temporary Evacuation House of the Social Sub-official in Batam accommodated 16 female migrant workers who were repatriated from Malaysia through Batam Center International Seaport, on Friday evening."They were accommodated in the evacuation house of the Social Sub-official in Batam City, Sekupang. The workers waited for the formalities to be completed for their return home. Previously,...

Jumat , 10 Jan 2014, 07:54 WIB
Puluhan Calon TKI Korban Penipuan Lapor Polisi

Ahad , 29 Dec 2013, 20:43 WIB
Perusahaan Singapura Hadiahi TKI Rp150 Juta

Sabtu , 14 Dec 2013, 09:12 WIB
Coal mine blast in western China kills 21

Selasa , 10 Dec 2013, 06:30 WIB
Philippines bans worker deployment to Yemen

Sabtu , 07 Dec 2013, 15:41 WIB
TKI Senang Pelegalan Status Nikah

Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 14:32 WIB
Pemulangan Mandiri WNI 'Overstayer' Dibuka, 6.017 Sudah Dievakuasi

Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 01:05 WIB
RI, Taiwan form joint task force to help migrant workers

Selasa , 03 Dec 2013, 01:04 WIB
Two protesters shot, wounded in Bangkok

Selasa , 03 Dec 2013, 00:52 WIB
Export value of Jakarta in October up over 11 percent

Senin , 02 Dec 2013, 16:16 WIB
Jokowi Resmikan Bank DKI Palembang, Dorong Kerja Sama Daerah

Senin , 02 Dec 2013, 14:05 WIB
Jakarta to open call center for domestic violence

Sabtu , 30 Nov 2013, 13:29 WIB
'Civil servants in Jakarta have to use public transportation'

Jokowi: Rembuk Provinsi untuk Dapatkan Saran Masyarakat
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo mengatakan penyelenggaraan Rembuk Provinsi Tahun 2013 untuk mendapatkan saran maupun opini dari masyarakat dalam rangka mendesain atau memutuskan suatu kebijakan terhadap problematika ibu kota. "Memang kita sudah punya Musrenbang (Musyawaran Perencanaan Pembangunan), kenapa ini diadakan karena kita ingin mendapatkan opini lain sehingga semakin kaya pemprov mendapatkan masukan dari bawah dalam rangka membangun...

Senin , 04 Nov 2013, 21:39 WIB
Pemprov Tunggu PP Kepemilikan Lahan Petukangan Selatan

Jumat , 01 Nov 2013, 23:57 WIB
Jakarta Governor appeals to workers to accept decision on wages

Kamis , 31 Oct 2013, 20:00 WIB
Workers not yet put as subject in companies: Minister

Rabu , 06 Feb 2013, 22:38 WIB
Indonesian workers stage rallies

Senin , 14 Jan 2013, 23:35 WIB
Thousands of workers to conduct rally in Jakarta on Wednesday
Jumat , 07 Dec 2012, 23:59 WIB
Indonesian labors face big problem in competitiveness

Sabtu , 01 Dec 2012, 23:46 WIB
Economist: Labour strikes affect economic growth
Senin , 29 Oct 2012, 19:21 WIB
Bogor deploys security personnel as thousands workers protest

Selasa , 23 Oct 2012, 23:46 WIB