Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 05:18 WIB
Warga Amerika Sebut Kongresnya 'Terburuk Sepanjang Sejarah'
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- Dua pertiga warga Amerika Serikat menyebut Kongres AS sebagai yang terburuk sepanjang sejarah, sementara tiga perempat warga mengeritik Kongres yang jarang melakukan tugasnya dalam mengesahkan undang-undang.Kesimpulan...
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 04:15 WIB
Americans say US Congress is worst ever: Poll
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- Two thirds of Americans saythe current Congress is the worst ever, while three quarters slammed the"do-nothing" legislature, a CNN/ORC International poll found Thursday.The negative attitudes were expressed toward leading lawmakers on bothsides of the aisle, with 52 percent saying the policies of Democrats would movethe country in the wrong direction, compared to 54 percent for Republicanpolicies.And...