Jumat , 15 Aug 2014, 19:49 WIB
MK Belum Bisa Sahkan Bukti Tertulis
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) belum bisa mengesahkan bukti tertulis yang diserahkan pihak pemohon, pihak termohon dan pihak terkait dalam sidang perkara Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum (PHPU) Pilpres...
Jumat , 24 Jan 2014, 06:21 WIB
Simultaneous elections to remain inefficient: MPR
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Simultaneous legislative and presidential elections will be inefficient, a deputy of the House of Consultative Assembly (MPR) stated."There is no way that simultaneous elections can be efficient, as the presidential election entails two rounds," MPR Deputy Speaker Hajriyanto noted here on Thursday.He explained that the presidential election cannot be held in one round because many candidates...