Death of Prophet Muhammad's grandson: Who is Responsible?

Prophet Muhammad's favorite grandson was killed along with most of Ahlul Bait's youth

AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi
Prophet Muhammad's Grandson: The Day of Ashura commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, who was killed in battle at Karbala in Iraq today.
Red: Elba Damhuri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID. -- The death of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Imam al-Husain, leaves so many questions. One of them, who is most responsible for the killing of this Prophet Muhammad 's grandson? 

In the land of Karbala, Iraq, the Prophet Muhammad's favorite grandson was killed along with most of Ahlul Bait's youth.

They died at the hands of the troops of Ubaidullah bin Ziyad, the governor of Kufa and Basrah, who was appointed by Yazid bin Mu'awiyah. 

The tragedy of the murder of al-Husain shook the Islamic community at that time, and continues to overshadow the lives of future generations.

Quoted from the book "Hasan and Husain the Untold Story" by Sayyid Hasan al-Husaini, it can be concluded that at least five parties were responsible for al-Husain's death. The explanation is as follows (Ad-Daulah al-Umawiyah):

1. Residents of Kufa

The first people responsible for the death of Imam al-Husain were the inhabitants of Kufa who asked him to become Caliph. They sent letters and asked him to come to Kufa. Al-Husain finally complied with the request even though his friends had warned him to refuse the offer. During the Thaf War, instead of defending al-Husain they fought it.

2. Ubaidullah bin Ziyad

The second party responsible for this tragedy is Ubaidullah bin Ziyad. He was the figure of the governor of Kufa and Basrah who was unjust, rotten-hearted, and hated the Ahlul Bait. It was he who rejected all of al-Husain's offers, preferring to see the Prophet's grandson die. He was also the one who matched and beat al-Husain on the head with his small spear.

3. Kufa troops and their field commanders

The third party that could not get away from all of this were the Kufa troops and their commanders. Among the Kufa troops at that time there were a number of leaders who said they were ready to defend al-Husain, but then they betrayed and turned to fight him. Amr bin Sa'ad himself led the Kufa troops to kill al-Husain in order to be promoted as governor in Ray (Tehran).

4. The direct perpetrator

The fourth party is the person who directly killed al-Husain. According to one source, Sinan bin Anas an-Nakha'i was the one who stabbed al-Husain and cut off his head. According to other sources, the one who killed al-Husain was Syamr bin Dzul Jausyan, while the one who brought his head before Ubaidullah was Khauli bin Yazid.

5. Yazid bin Mu'awiyah

The fifth party to blame for this tragedy was the leader of the Umawi dynasty, Yazid bin Mu'awiyah. How come? At that time he was able to give strict instructions to Ubaidullah bin Ziyad not to kill al-Husain, but this was not done.

Yazid also let the killers of al-Husain roam freely without being punished by qishash. The murder of al-Husain will always be a disgrace and a black spot that tarnishes Yazid's reign.

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