Firli Bahuri Named as Suspect, Bambang Widjojanto: Game Over!

With the identification of the suspect, Firli was judged to be no longer able to create drama.

Republika/Thoudy Badai
KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri
Rep: Rizky Suryarandika Red: Fernan Rahadi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Former KPK leader Bambang Widjojanto considers the appointment of suspects against KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri as a step that should have been done by Metro Jaya Police. Those police efforts were game over for Firli.

"Game Over. The designation of the KPK Chairman's suspect has stopped the alleged corrupt acts he could continue to commit," Bambang told Republika on Thursday (23/11/2023).

Through the identification of the suspect, Bambang felt that Firli could no longer play a 'drama' that was inappropriate because it destroyed the credibility of the KPK. Firli is also no longer able to play 'spin comedy' by building an image and perception as if he were innocent and victimized.

"So, it can no longer be defaulted many times in the examination process by making a pretext, there are so many other jobs that are more important than the examination process. It is also no longer possible to make statements as if there is a counterattack of corruptors," Bambang said.

Bambang also stated that the determination of suspects should be continued with various other legal measures. Bambang believes Firli's actions do not stand alone because of corruption including well organized crime.

"It is suspected that there are other parties involved as well. There are other crimes that also need to be constantly investigated because there is an allegation of concealing the proceeds of the crime," Bambang said.



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