Why does anyone feel their life is hard? This is the Answer of the Quran and the Hadith

There are a number of reasons why the life of a Muslim is difficult.

Why does anyone find their life difficult? This is the answer to the Quran and the Hadith. Photo: poverty in a big city (illustration)
Rep: Umar Mukhtar Red: Erdy Nasrul

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Some people may find it hard to live. The answer to the question of why he is struggling with his life is certainly in him. For animals, as creatures without reason, are provided with sustenance. Especially a Muslim.

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Allah (swt) said: “And there is no living beast in the earth except Allah who provides its sustenance, and He knows where the beast dwells and where it is kept. Everything is written in the real Book (Lauh mahfuzh).” (QS Hud Verse 6).

There are a number of reasons why the life of a Muslim is difficult. The first is lack of piety. Allah (swt) said: “If the inhabitants of the countries believed and feared, We would have bestowed upon them blessings from heaven and earth, but they denied them (Our signs), then We will punish them for their deeds.” (QS Al-A'raf Verse 96)

Second, don't mean it in prayer. In the historical hadith of Abu Dawud, one day the Prophet Muhammad entered the mosque and found Abu Umamah alone and looking anxious and distressed. He told the Apostle, “Anxiety and debt weigh on me.” Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) taught him about prayer in order to avoid bad things.

The Prophet asked him to say the following prayer at bedtime and after waking up:

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن ، وأعوذ بك من العجز والكسل ، ومن الجبن والبخل ، وأعوذ بك من غلبة الدين وقهر الرجال ،

Allahumma inni audzubika minal hammi wal huzni, wa audzubika minal ajzi wal kasali, wa minal jubni wal bukhli, wa audzubika min ghalabatiddayni wa qahrir rijaal.

“O God, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, and I take refuge in You from weakness and laziness, and from fear and sorrow, and I take refuge in You from oppression.”

Third, break the silaturahim. Breaking the silence is also one of the reasons a person's life is difficult. In the hadith narrated by Anas ibn Malik RA, as listed in Shahih Al-Jami', it is stated that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

- من سرَّه أن يُعظِمَ اللهُ رزقَه ، و أن يُمِدَّ في أجَلِه ، فلْيَصِلْ رَحِمَه

“Whoever wishes to have his sustenance and prolong his life, keep the bond of the bond of association (with the relatives of the family).”

The fourth is stingy. Doing business with fellow human beings certainly has a profit and loss. Another thing is to do business with Allah SWT. Doing business with Allah is profitable. And does not bring any harm.

The point of doing business with God is to give charity. If there is a Muslim who wants to achieve something in his life, or is in trouble in life, then he must give thanks. For charity is the key to getting rid of all hardship and suffering.

In the historical hadith of Thabrani and al-Baihaqi, it is mentioned that alms can overcome the sick. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Treat the sick among you with alms.”

Another hadith narrated by Thabrani also mentions that benediction can save people from calamity. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Commit to alms, for the afflicted cannot cross alms.”

The fifth is lazy. Islam demands every Muslim to work and not be silent or lazy to work. In the historical hadith of Miqdam ibn Ma'di

Karib, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

- We are all very grateful, my goodness is not, but I am also the prophet of the Lord of God of David, but I am the father of God of God, but I am the father of the Lord of Eden.

“No one eats a better meal than the food of his own labor. And indeed, the Prophet (peace be upon him), David, ate the food of his own labors.” (MR. Bukhari)

From the hadith, it is known that the Prophet emphasized not to be lazy in doing lawful work. Then he said that the Prophet David was a Prophet who met his daily food needs from his own sweat.

The hadith contains the message that the best income is that obtained with hard work and perseverance. A Muslim must use his best abilities to fight for life in the world. Allah says:

“It is He who made the earth easy for you to explore, so search in all its guides and eat a portion of His sustenance. Only to Him are you resurrected.” (QS Al Mulk verse 15)


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