Sabtu 24 Apr 2021 12:09 WIB

The Number of Deforestation in Indonesia Declines

Government commits to reduce deforestation to lower emission.

Red: Satya Festyiani
Deforestasi Hutan di Papua
Deforestasi Hutan di Papua

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Indonesia has successfully decrease deforestation by 75.03 percent from 2019-2020. It has reached 115.46 thousand ha. The number is declining from that of 2018-2019, which is 462.46 thousand ha. The data is released by Directorate General of Forest Planning and Environmental Management of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

“Seeing the latest trend of deforestation, we have a relatively low number this year, and it is stable,” said Acting Director General of Forest Planology and Environmental Governance of KLHK, Ruandha A. Sugardiman, on Wednesday (3/3).

The declining number of national deforestation during Covid-19 pandemic counters some claims that say the number of deforestation in 2020 is increasing. It also proves the consistency of Indonesia’s government to decrease deforestation year by year.