Jumat 20 Oct 2023 06:00 WIB

Troubles Keep Coming, What Should Muslim Do?

The problem in life might has nothing to do with the anger of Allah.

Rep: Umar Mukhtar/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
People pray together during the prayer after the handover of social benefits at Syuhada Mosque, Yogyakarta, Thursday (21/9/2023).
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
People pray together during the prayer after the handover of social benefits at Syuhada Mosque, Yogyakarta, Thursday (21/9/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Egyptian Mubaligh Mustafa Husni explained about a Muslim who is constantly experiencing life problems. If a person has problems constantly, what sign is it?

Husni explained that the life issues that come to pass have nothing to do with the wrath of Allah SWT. He reminded that the most important thing is to immediately introspect yourself or do meditation in order to then return close to Allah.

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“If you don't feel you've sinned, then learn to feel enough. That way, there is no envy or anything. During morning and evening remembrance, envy will not touch him,” he explained, as reported by Masrawy, Thursday (19/10/2023).

A Muslim should draw lessons from the ordeal endured by the Prophet Yusuf (may peace be upon him). The Prophet Yusuf, in all his trials, contemplated the various causes behind him, and turned all affairs over to God, and also rejected Zulaikha, the wife of Al Aziz.

“The Prophet said at the time, 'I love prison more than what they have presented to me. ' After passing through this issue, Prophet Yusuf became the Minister of Finance at that time in Egypt.

The deep fear of the Prophet Yusuf is enshrined in the Quran. “Yusuf said: “O my Lord, I prefer imprisonment rather than fulfilling their call to me. And if you do not prevent me from their deceit, I will certainly be inclined to (fulfill their desires), and surely I am one of the foolish.” (QS. Yusuf verse 33)

Therefore, even the most difficult trial or test is not a sign of God's wrath. The way to deal with it is to continue to increase your fear of Allah and to be patient.

Patience and gratitude to Allah are the keys to facing all kinds of trials. Patience must be exercised without complaining and acting according to circumstances, and from this the reward of Allah will be great.

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