Ahad 24 Dec 2023 20:54 WIB

5 Keys to Gain Divine Grace

Bounty of wealth does not lie in the small number

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Illustration of money. The wealth of property does not lie in a very small amount
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
Illustration of money. The wealth of property does not lie in a very small amount

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA— According to Islamic teachings, the wealth of property is not determined by the magnitude of its amount.

This is because the wealth that God gives to man is temporary. Some people get these types in large quantities and others get them in small amounts. What lanta is the key to a person's happiness?

Baca Juga

A person's wealth will be a blessing if its owner performs practices in accordance with Islamic guidance. Here are the practices in question.

First, give thanks to Allah for all the favours bestowed upon him.

Allah says: