Rabu 03 Jul 2024 18:12 WIB

The Prophet's Hadith Ordered to Go to Palestine Before the Apocalypse, What Does It Mean?

The hadith indicates that Sham and the surrounding Al Aqsa Mosque have privileges.

Rep: A. Syalaby Ichsan/ Red: Ani Nursalikah
Israeli soldiers pass the Dome of the Rock at the Masjid Al Aqsa compound.
Foto: google.com
Israeli soldiers pass the Dome of the Rock at the Masjid Al Aqsa compound.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Syam became one of the popular places in prophetic times. In the past, Syam was a trading center that was also visited by the Prophet

This area was also one of the prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad. On the eve of Doomsday, flames will emerge from the Hadramaut region, an area in Yemen. When that happened, Muslims were ordered to go to an area, as the Prophet Muhammad mentioned. What is the place?

Baca Juga

In a hadith narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar RA, the Prophet Muhammad said: “Fire will arise from Hadramaut or from the direction of the sea Hadramaut before the day of judgment gathers men.”

Then the companions asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what have you commanded us?” Then the Prophet replied, “You must go to Syam.” (MR. Tirmidzi)

The hadith shows that Syam and the area around the Al Aqsa Mosque had great privileges. To the point that the Prophet Muhammad in many of his hadiths advised us to go there in times of chaos, as the hadith did.

The hadith also informs that before the day of Judgment, fire will arise from Hadramaut which is the name of a region in Yemen. This event will gather humans and herd them somewhere.

That's when the friend asked about what Muslims should do. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that Muslims should go to Shaam. For it was in Shams that the fire or strife that took place was lighter. This hadith also shows how great the land of Sham is. Also a sign, that the chaos before doomsday will be very turbulent.

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BACA JUGA: Ikuti Serial Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam di Islam Digest , Klik di Sini
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    [type] => quiz
    [profile_id] => 164462248
    [title] => Survey Wisata Halal Singapore
    [tanggal-awal] => 2025-03-04
    [tanggal-akhir] => 2025-03-14
    [description] => Survey wisata halal singapore
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    [question] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [description] => Apa yang paling menarik bagi Anda tentang Singapura?
                    [options] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [title] => Ikon-ikon terkenal Singapura (seperti Marina Bay Sands, Merlion, dll)
                                    [vote] => 2

                            [1] => Array
                                    [title] => Sistem transportasi yang efisien dan nyaman
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [2] => Array
                                    [title] => Keberagaman kuliner yang ada
                                    [vote] => 0


                    [status] => 1

            [1] => Array
                    [description] => Menurut Anda, apakah Singapura memiliki banyak pilihan makanan halal?
                    [options] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [title] => Ya, sangat banyak
                                    [vote] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [title] => Cukup banyak
                                    [vote] => 1

                            [2] => Array
                                    [title] => Tidak banyak
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [3] => Array
                                    [title] => Tidak tahu
                                    [vote] => 0


                    [status] => 1

            [2] => Array
                    [description] => Apakah Anda merasa bahwa Singapura memiliki banyak masjid yang dapat diakses oleh umat Muslim?
                    [options] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [title] => Ya, sangat banyak
                                    [vote] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [title] => Cukup banyak
                                    [vote] => 1

                            [2] => Array
                                    [title] => Tidak banyak
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [3] => Array
                                    [title] => Tidak tahu
                                    [vote] => 0


                    [status] => 1

            [3] => Array
                    [description] => Apakah Anda berencana untuk mengunjungi Singapura tahun ini?
                    [options] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [title] => Ya
                                    [vote] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [title] => Tidak
                                    [vote] => 1


                    [status] => 1

            [4] => Array
                    [description] => Jika ya, pada bulan apa Anda berencana pergi ke Singapura?
                    [options] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [title] => Februari
                                    [vote] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [title] => Maret
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [2] => Array
                                    [title] => April
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [3] => Array
                                    [title] => Mei
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [4] => Array
                                    [title] => Juni
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [5] => Array
                                    [title] => Juli
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [6] => Array
                                    [title] => Agustus
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [7] => Array
                                    [title] => September
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [8] => Array
                                    [title] => Oktober
                                    [vote] => 1

                            [9] => Array
                                    [title] => November
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [10] => Array
                                    [title] => Desember
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [11] => Array
                                    [title] => Masih belum pasti
                                    [vote] => 0


                    [status] => 1

            [5] => Array
                    [description] => Yukk gambarkan kelompok usia Kamu saat ini!
                    [options] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [title] => 18-24
                                    [vote] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [title] => 25-34
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [2] => Array
                                    [title] => 35-44
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [3] => Array
                                    [title] => 45-54
                                    [vote] => 0

                            [4] => Array
                                    [title] => 55+
                                    [vote] => 0


                    [status] => 1

            [6] => Array
                    [description] => Untuk meningkatkan pengalaman terbaik di Website Republika, bisakah Kamu membantu dengan memberi tahu Kami gendermu?
                    [options] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [title] => Laki-laki
                                    [vote] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [title] => Perempuan
                                    [vote] => 0


                    [status] => 1

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                                    [title] => -
                                    [vote] => 0


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