Ahad 31 Dec 2023 14:09 WIB

5 Facts of the Love of Allah SWT Mentioned in the Quran

There are some great facts of the love of Allah SWT

Rep: Umar Mukhtar/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
There are some great facts of the love of Allah SWT in the Quran. Illustration
Foto: republika
There are some great facts of the love of Allah SWT in the Quran. Illustration

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Quran conveys facts about love. There are at least five facts of love in the Quran. First fact, the Quran affirms the nature of love inherent in Allah SWT. Allah loves those servants who obey Him constantly.

Allah chooses among His worthy servants whom He loves so that He will have great privileges in the world and in the Hereafter. There are two kinds of servants whom Allah loves. First, those who love the truth and feel Allah is with them. Second, feel that Allah loves them.

The second fact is that there are eight criteria of people who are loved by Allah SWT mentioned in the Quran. The eight are benevolent, pious, patient, trusting, just, repentant, holy and purifying, and fighting in the way of Allah.

Every believer strives to fall under one of these criteria in order to receive the love of Allah. To reach that stage, a sacrifice is required over something that is loved. In addition, it also requires patience and willingness to struggle with various difficulties.