Ahad 04 Feb 2024 00:13 WIB

AICIS 2024 Inspires Islamic Universities to Build Civilization

This activity is part of AICIS activity.

Rep: Umar Mukhtar/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Press conference of ASEAN Religious Leaders Summit in AICIS 2024 at UIN Walisongo Semarang, Friday (2/2/2024).
Foto: Republika/Umar Mukhtar
Press conference of ASEAN Religious Leaders Summit in AICIS 2024 at UIN Walisongo Semarang, Friday (2/2/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- The 23rd Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) Forum 2024 is combined with the International Islamic Higher Education Expo and Semarang Halal Festival at UIN Walisongo Semarang, Central Java, on 1-4 February 2024.

Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, Director General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, said that this forum was called so that universities could collaborate with each other to build civilization.

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“This activity is part of the activity of AICIS and I hope that it improves further and shows that the contribution of Islamic colleges is increasingly recognized as part of the way we build civilization,” he explained on Thursday (1/2/2024).

Ali Ramdhani mentioned that the exhibition activity (expo) is as a ride for religious colleges including its ecosystem to show the works and achievements of the college. The opening of the expo was marked by tabuh gong by Ali Ramdhani accompanied by Director of Islamic Religious College Ahmad Zainul Hamdi and Acting Rector of UIN Walisongo Prof. Nizar Ali, at the UIN Walisongo Planetarium.