Senin 05 Feb 2024 23:24 WIB

Seven Professors of Unair Remind Jokowi to Preserve Democracy in His Regime

This Statement of Attitude is claimed to have been signed by 100 Unair academics.

Rep: Dadang Kurnia/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
alumni of Airlangga University (Unair) held an action Unair Calling highlighting the problems of democracy in the country, in the courtyard of Unair Postgraduate School, Surabaya Monday (5/2/2024).
Foto: Republika/Dadang Kurnia
alumni of Airlangga University (Unair) held an action Unair Calling highlighting the problems of democracy in the country, in the courtyard of Unair Postgraduate School, Surabaya Monday (5/2/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- The academic community along with a number of alumni of Airlangga University (Unair) held the action “Unair Summon” highlighting the problems of democracy in this country. The event was held in the courtyard of Unair Postgraduate School, Surabaya, Monday (5/2/2024).

There were at least seven Unair professors who also joined the action. Namely Prof. Ramlan Surbakti, Prof. Hotman Siahaan, Prof. Henri Subiakto, Prof. Abdul Hafid, Prof. Annis Catur Adi, Prof. Basuki Rekso Wibowo, and Prof. Thomas Santoso.

Baca Juga

At the event, a statement on the theme of “Upholding Democracy, Keeping the Republic” by Prof. Hotman Siahaan was read. “It should be recalled by President (Jokowi) that legitimacy and popular support for his government since nine years ago cannot be released from the expectation that the President will exercise republican ethics and care for democracy and free government,” Hotman said on Monday.

Hotman continued, entering the end of his reign, President Jokowi is expected to take a stance that tarnishes neither the ethics of the republic nor democracy. The former dean of FISIP Unair also called for President Joko Widodo as supreme leader of the government and head of state to take care of the republic's ethical principles.

That is, by not abusing power, and stopping attempts to perpetuate family politics. The information read by Hotman also called for the political, social, economic, and cultural independence of civil society to be guaranteed by the state. Because, he said, this country belongs to all the people, not to any particular group or group.

Regarding the conduct of the 2024 General Election, Hotman urged that the organizers be fair, not fraudulent, and non-violent. Hotman continued, political parties must also reform themselves in carrying out the functions of articulation, aggregation, and political education of citizens.

The information read also denounced various forms of intervention and intimidation against academic pulpits in colleges. They also asked the college to maintain morality, rationality, and criticism of the government for the sake of a republic.

“This is the call we made today. The college only gives a moral appeal, we do not carry out practical political actions. This moral appeal as a frame of the entire morality of this nation within the framework of a democratic state,” he said.

Unair Political Science Lecturer, Airlangga Pribadi Kusman admitted that the statement of stance has been signed by more than 100 Unair academics, as well as colleagues outside Unair. Airlangga insists that the action is a response to the political dynamics that are taking place at the moment.

“This statement of attitude departs from our concern as academics to the developments that have taken place in recent times. Because we see the organizers of this country getting longer and further away from the ethical principles of the republic,” he said.

Deputy Director of Unair Graduate School, Prof. Suparto Wijoyo regrets the use of campus facilities as a place to read the information. He claimed there was no request for permission related to the action. The agenda was also definitely not the agenda of the Unair Graduate school.

“If there is no notification at least as a courtesy kulo nuwun. We control democracy and maintain NKRI by upholding ethics should also start from a campus that upholds ethics,” he said.

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