Rabu 06 Mar 2024 23:10 WIB

Political Parties have not Given Priority to Female Candidates

PMK Ministry highlights political parties that have not given priority to female candidates in 2024 elections.

Rep: Ronggo Astungkoro/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Women's Coalition for Fair Elections. PMK Ministry highlights political parties that have not given priority to female candidates in the 2024 general election.
Foto: Dok Republika
Women's Coalition for Fair Elections. PMK Ministry highlights political parties that have not given priority to female candidates in the 2024 general election.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Ministry of Human Empowerment and Culture (Kemenko PMK) highlights the representation of women in the 2024 Legislative Elections. Although opportunities for women were opened, those who came forward as legislative candidates (candidates) did not get the top three positions in the electoral sequence, which is usually certain to be elected through the elections.

“It really opened up opportunities, the candidates are very large. But they are not in the top 3. If we talk about it, it is the top 3 that will definitely be selected,” said Deputy for Coordination of Quality Improvement of Children, Women, and Youth of Ministry of Ministry of PMK Woro Srihastuti Sulistyaningrum at Kemenko PMK, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (6/3/2024).

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Therefore, according to Woro, it is a challenge in trying to increase the representation of women in parliamentary seats. He assessed that education to ensure gender equality needs not only to be done to society, but also in political parties. One of the goals is to be able to put women in the top three positions of the nomination.

“So this is back again, education to be able to ensure gender equality and so on not only in society, but also in its political parties. To put these women in the top 3 positions, for example,” she explained.

Woro said, there are benefits from the fulfillment of women's representation in the perlemen. One of them, when there is a representation of women in the legislature, then they can voice what is really the concern and need of women. That will have an impact on the policies that will be poured into development.

“It was actually towards him there. In order to have a more gender-oriented perspective. But again, these female legislative candidates must also be equipped with gender-oriented views. So you have to be qualified,” he said.

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