Senin 11 Mar 2024 22:59 WIB

Vice President Maruf Amin: Ramadan A Madrasah For Muslims

Ramadan is a madrasah for Muslims to conduct self-education.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Vice President Maruf Amin
Foto: Antara
Vice President Maruf Amin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin said Ramadan is a madrasah for Muslims to conduct self-education in order to achieve self-purification and purification of the soul.

“It is necessary for Muslims to prepare physically and mentally to welcome the month of Ramadan because Muslims will fast and optimize the worship of Allah SWT. Mental preparation is carried out by purifying the intention that our worship is only to make us godly people,” the Wapres said in a video caption received in Jakarta, Monday (11/3/2024).

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He said there are three benefits of fasting worship that we practice. First, the psychiatric or spiritual benefits. “Where we make the habit of being patient restraining lust. This is important because all human beings have passions and lust will lead people to do bad deeds and fasting is one effective way to control it,” the Prime Minister said.

The second benefit of fasting worship is social community. “Where we get used to being orderly, disciplined, and equal to the rest of the people without looking at the social status of society,” he said.