REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The feature film “Qibla” drew scathing criticism for featuring Islamic symbols in the horror film. The film, produced by Leo Picture, featuring a poster of a praying woman with her face upside down, has in fact invited controversy and huge question marks.
One of them was by the Chairman of MUI Field Dakwah KH Cholil Nafis, who also opened the vote. According to him, the visuals displayed by the poster of the film had crossed the line and could be considered an insult.
Kiai Cholil himself claimed to have to look up the meaning of the word “qibla” again, worried that it might have a different meaning than that meant by Muslims.
“I don't know the content of the film so I can't comment. But the picture is as scary as no title mecca ya. I open the meaning of the qibla only the ka'bah, the direction of facing the people of prayer,” Kiai Cholil said in a post on his social media sent to Republika on Monday (25/3/2024).
According to Kiai Cholil, the movie mecca is inappropriate to be used as entertainment consumption because it can be a misunderstanding in society. He pointedly requested that the film Qibla not be aired, as it could have been a black campaign against Islamic religious teachings.
“If this is true that this film is inappropriate and includes a black campaign against religious teachings, then it should be taken down and should not be shown,” he said.
Kiai Cholil laments how the world of cinema often uses sensitive promotion and controversy to attract attention and a large audience. When it comes to religion, it shouldn't be watched.
“Often religious reactions are played by business people to reap material profits. The gin must not be left to be resisted,” he said.
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