Selasa 26 Mar 2024 23:35 WIB

Long-Distance Train Tickets Sold 56 Percent

About 3.2 million long-distance train tickets have been sold.

Users using Train Fajar Utama Solo get off at Yogyakarta Station.
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Users using Train Fajar Utama Solo get off at Yogyakarta Station.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or KAI revealed that long-distance train tickets for the Lebaran transit period have sold about 56 percent of the total 3.2 million tickets.

“Based on our monitoring today, of the total tickets for long-distance trains that we have booked from H-45 Lebaran, about 56 percent of the 3.2 million tickets have been sold,” said KAI VP of Public Relations Joni Martinus in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/3/2024).

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Joni said that during this year's Lebaran transport period, PT KAI organized the Lebaran transport period, which began on March 31 until April 22. During the Lebaran transit period, PT KAI provided about 4.2 million tickets, consisting of 3.2 million tickets for long-distance trains that people usually use for homecoming, and about 900 thousand tickets allocated for local rail passengers or local homecoming.

Joni said that currently the process of selling tickets for Lebaran's transit period is still ongoing and will increase.

“Then from the data we have obtained so far the peak of the homecoming flow is expected to occur on H-4 Lebaran, there are about 125,000 rail passengers currently buying on the H-4,” he said.

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi ensured that the transportation of the flow to and from Lebaran Eid al-Fitri 1445 Hijri, through rail transport can run smoothly and anticipates a buildup.

Budi said that there are several things that are tried to improve the comfort of passengers during the return and return journey through the railway mode of transport. First, Lebaran Railway (KA) departures from Jakarta are made from four stations, namely Pasar Senen Station, Gambir Station, Manggarai Station, and Bekasi Station.

Secondly, PT KAI has added two new railway lines destined for West Java, namely KA Pangandaran with the route Gambir Station - Banjar Station, Tasikmalaya and KA Papandayan route Gambir Station - Garut Station.

sumber : ANTARA
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