Rabu 03 Apr 2024 23:31 WIB

Ma'had Aly Graduates Have the Chance to Participate in CPNS 2024 Selection

Ma'had Aly is a boarding school based Islamic religious college

Rep: Muhyiddin / Red: Erdy Nasrul
Illustration of Civil Servants (PNS). Ma'had Aly is a boarding school based Islamic religious college
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla
Illustration of Civil Servants (PNS). Ma'had Aly is a boarding school based Islamic religious college

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID JAKARTA — Currently, the selection of Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) for religious formation is limited followed by graduates of Islamic Religious College (PTKI). However, this time Ma'had Aly graduates also have a great chance to participate in the selection of CPNS 2024, especially religious extension formations.

Acting Director General of Islamic Education, Prof. Abu Rokhmad said that efforts to give Ma'had Aly graduates an opportunity to participate in CPNS selection were discussed during the meeting of Menag Yaqut Cholil Qoumas with Minister of State Abdullah Azwar Anas on Monday (1/4/2024).

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“Today Menag Yaqut Cholil Qoumas met Minister of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform, Abdullah Azwar Anas. The proposal of Ma'had Aly graduates can participate in CPNS selection, especially Islamic religious extension formations,” Abu said in a press release on Tuesday (2/4/2024).

Ma'had Aly is an Islamic Religious College (PTKI) based boarding school. Ma'had Aly organized academic education in the field of mastery of Islamic religious science (tafaqquh fiddin) based on the yellow book organized by the boarding school lodge.

Ma'had Aly's undergraduate diploma has been state recognized. The status was also equalized so that it could be used to proceed to a higher level. This is as stipulated in the Religious Minister's Regulation number 71 of 2015 on Ma'had Aly. There are currently 78 Ma'had Aly in Indonesia.

“Menag Yaqut's proposal regarding providing opportunities for Ma'had Aly graduates to participate in CPNS selection, was welcomed by PanRB Abdullah Azwar Anas. MENPANRB agrees that Ma'had Ali graduates can participate in CPNS selection,” Abu said.

In this initial discussion, he continued, there was an understanding of the importance of giving boarding school cadres the opportunity to become servants of the state. During this time, opportunities to become Islamic religious scholars were limited to graduates of Islamic religious colleges, such as universities, institutes, and colleges.

“This proposal will be discussed also with the Masyayikh Assembly. The aim is to maintain the qualifications and standardization of Ma'had Aly in the recruitment of CPNS of Islamic religious extension,” Abu said.

“The Masyayikh Assembly is a body tasked with ensuring the quality of education of boarding houses and Ma'had Aly. The Masyayikh Assembly as its Ban-PT Ma'had Aly has been strengthened institutionally,” he explained.

Abu saw Ma'had Aly's graduate as very worthy of becoming an extension of the Islamic religion. During this time, the task of the religious extension was to provide training to at least 10 binaan groups (taklim assemblies) every month, either early start building groups or groups already in the community.

“In the future, in addition to the issue of man's relationship with God and fellow human beings, the facilitator will also play a role in providing extension related to man's relationship with nature (hablu min al-alam),” Abu said.

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