Senin 13 May 2024 01:44 WIB

Depok Mayor Asks Tourism Bus to Be Evaluated

M Idris confirmed that the Trans Putera Fajar bus that crashed did not originate from Depok.

Rep: Antara/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
The Situation in the courtyard of SMK Lingga Kencana, Depok City, Sunday (12/5/2024).
Foto: Antara/Feru Lantara
The Situation in the courtyard of SMK Lingga Kencana, Depok City, Sunday (12/5/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DEPOK -- Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris stated that the Trans Putera Fajar bus that had an accident was carrying students of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok in Ciater, Subang Regency on Saturday (11/5/2024) in the evening, not from its territory. He also asked to be an evaluation material related to bus transportation for student tourism.

“In the future, it is necessary to coordinate with schools in Depok City because this is also related to the problem of coordination with transportation issues,” Idris said when he met in Depok City, West Java, Sunday (12/5/2024).

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Idris said, the issue of tourism transport must have collaboration and coordination with relevant stakeholders. In essence, he added, everything should be the same, for example, the operational standard of procedure (SOP) of each tourist bus must pass or be repeated before departure.

“Indeed, the collaboration must not only be Depok alone, but must be together. It can be that every tourist bus has to escape or repeat its route before leaving, like that, well this can be done if it is from the center, because it is a cross region like that,” explains Idris.

He stated that the bus fleet that had an accident in Subang Regency did not come from Depok City. As for the tourist bus Trans Putera Fajar that carries a group of students of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok with police number plate (nopol) AD 7524 OG.

According to Idris, the bus became a subscription to the school party. “This tourist bus, if it is not wrong, is not from around Depok, because this is their subscription in this company that already has an MoU,” Idris said.

After the fatal accident, the Depok City Government immediately sent ambulances and hearses to Subang to bring all the bodies back to its area. “We are sending an existing fleet of ambulances and hearses of about 34 hearses and ambulances to be transported there,” Idris said.

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