Selasa 14 May 2024 23:47 WIB

Places God Glorified After Makkah and Medina

The cities of Makkah and Medina have many virtues.

Rep: Fuji E Permana/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Makkah City, Saudi Arabia (illustration)
Foto: ROL/Sadly Rachman
Makkah City, Saudi Arabia (illustration)

REPUBLICA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- With regard to the primacy of the city of Medina al-Munawwarah, there really is no more glorious city than Medina after the city of Makkah al-Mukarramah. This is described by Imam Al Ghazali in the book of Ihya Ulumuddin.

Therefore, the reward of righteous charity in the city of Medina is also doubled. As the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

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“Prayer once in this mosque (Nabawi mosque in Medina) is more important than praying a thousand times in any other mosque, except in Masjid al-Haram (Makkah).” (Narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim Imam)

Likewise, every other practice performed in Medina will be rewarded a thousandfold.

In Ihya Ulumuddin it is explained that another place also glorified by Allah SWT after Makkah and Medina is Baitul Maqdis (Masjid Aqsa, Palestine).

One prayer in Baitul Maqdis is the same as a thousand prayers in any other place besides the Masjid Haram and the Nabawi Mosque. There is also a story that says with five hundred calilipates. The same goes for other righteous practices.

It is narrated by Ibn Abbas Radhiyalahu that the Prophet Muhammad once said, “One prayer in Masjid Aqsa (Baitul Maqdis) is the same as one thousand prayers in any other place. One prayer in the Nabawi mosque in Medina is equal to ten thousand prayers elsewhere. One prayer in the Masjid al-Haram (Makkah) is the same as a hundred thousand prayers in any other place (apart from the three). (Narrated by Imam Ibn Majah)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Whoever is patient in the trouble that befalls the city of Medina, I will intercede for him on the Day of Resurrection.” (Narrated from the hadith of Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Anyone who can die in Madinah should die there. For the one who died in Medina, I will intercede for him on the Day of Resurrection. (Narrated by Imam at-Tirmidzi)

After the three glorified places, there is no other place more glorified by Allah Azza wa Jalla than the one in which they are used to dwell (be alone) and to draw near to Him. Such a place is glorified by Allah Azza wa Jalla.

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