Senin 27 May 2024 22:00 WIB

In June, Bantul Begins to Manage Yogyakarta City Waste

This waste processing facility was built with a value of more than Rp 400 billion.

Rep: Silvy Dian Setiawan/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Aerial photo of integrated waste treatment plant (TPST) in Piyungan, Bantul, DIY, Thursday (7/3/2024). The DIY government permanently closed Piyungan TPST and encouraged people to process waste independently.
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Hendra Nurdiyansyah
Aerial photo of integrated waste treatment plant (TPST) in Piyungan, Bantul, DIY, Thursday (7/3/2024). The DIY government permanently closed Piyungan TPST and encouraged people to process waste independently.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANTUL -- The Government (Pemkab) of Bantul Regency and the City Government (Pemkot) of Yogyakarta have agreed to cooperate in managing waste, following the implementation of the policy of decentralization of waste in DIY. Through this policy, self-employed councils/authorities are required to manage their waste independently.

The Regent of Bantul, Abdul Halim Muslih said that his agency will start managing the urban waste of Yogyakarta City from June 2024. In order to support independent waste handlers, Bantul Regency is also building a waste treatment facility.

Baca Juga

One of them is the Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF) waste treatment facility in Bawuran, Pleret with carbonation technology. This waste treatment facility was built with an investment value of more than IDR 400 billion.

“One of the waste processing products at ITF Bawuran is the raw material of a tech panel whose production site will soon be built near ITF Bawuran, with an investment value of more than IDR 400 billion,” Halim said not long ago.

In order to maximize the processing of waste, including from Yogyakarta City, the garbage will be processed at the Waste Final Processing Place (TPST) scattered in Bantul. One of them is in TPST which is in Modalan, Dingkikan, Kapanewon Argodadi, Bantul, DIY.

In addition, Halim said, the integrated waste management system Reduce, Reuse And Recycle (TPST 3R) at the village/ward level that helps to process waste is also maximized. The same goes for Rubbish Sorting Houses in each district supported by the budget of Bantul Regency through the Padukuhan Based Community Empowerment program (PPBMP).

“Therefore, hopefully this addendum (cooperation agreement) can increase synergies and constructive value that can be actualized together to maximize the development of the potential of the area, and to solve the problem of waste,” Halim said.

The Governor of DIY, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X also supports the establishment of cooperation between Yogyakarta and Bantul in waste management efforts. This cooperation is expected to inspire other districts in DIY to make more efforts in terms of independent waste management.

“Of course I support this cooperation because like the city (Yogyakarta), which has no land, then carried out its garbage processing process in Bantul. Therefore, I hope that with the cooperation of these two parties, similar efforts from other districts to continue processing can grow,” Sultan said.

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