Jumat 27 Sep 2024 00:29 WIB

Thousands of Judges Plan to Strike Session Starting October 7

A leave motion with judges across Indonesia is called to be held simultaneously.

Rep: Rizky Suryarandika/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Judge's hammer at trial (illustration). Thousands of judges called will hold joint leave motions or strike hearings on October 7 through October 11, 2024.
Judge's hammer at trial (illustration). Thousands of judges called will hold joint leave motions or strike hearings on October 7 through October 11, 2024.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Thousands of judges are expected to hold joint leave motions or strike hearings from October 7 to October 11, 2024. The motion is a demand to boost the welfare of judges across Indonesia.

“This movement is the embodiment of the joint commitment of all judges to fight for the welfare, independence, and honor of the judiciary in Indonesia,” Fauzan Arrasyid, spokesman for the Indonesian Judges Solidarity Movement, told reporters on Thursday (26/9/2024).

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Fauzan explained that the joint leave motion of judges across Indonesia is based on the absence of adjustments to the salaries and allowances of judges. It is listed in Government Regulation (PP) Number 94 of 2012 on the Financial Rights and Facilities of Judges Subordinate to the Supreme Court. In fact, Fauzan points out that every year there is inflation.

“This makes the salary and benefits set 12 years ago very different in value compared to the current conditions,” Fauzan said.

Fauzan lamented the absence of any adjustment to the judge's earnings. It is those conditions that can threaten the integrity of the judicial institution.

“Without adequate welfare, judges could be vulnerable to corrupt practices because income is insufficient for daily living,” Fauzan said.

Moreover, the Supreme Court (MA) has issued Judgment Number 23P/HUM/2018 which expressly mandates the need for a review of the payroll arrangements of judges. So according to Fauzan, the salary arrangements of judges set out in PP 94/2012 currently no longer have a strong legal basis.

“Therefore, the revision of PP 94/2012 to adjust the earnings of judges becomes very important and urgent,” Fauzan said.

The basic salary of judges is currently still equated to the salary of ordinary civil servants (civil servants). Since 2012, judges no longer receive performance allowances (remuneration). Currently, judges rely only on tenure allowances that have not been increased for 12 years. This led to judges' earnings far below a decent standard.

Whereas the workload and number of judges is currently disproportionate. Currently, there are 6,069 first instance court judges across Indonesia. Meanwhile, there are 2,845,784 cases to deal with. Today, the task of judges is not only to receive, examine, adjudicate and resolve cases, but also supervision of the judicial sphere and management.

“The disproportionate workload is felt to be very burdensome,” Fauzan said.

The joint leave motion of judges across Indonesia, is said to be held simultaneously by thousands of judges from October 7 to October 11, 2024. Some judges will travel to Jakarta to carry out symbolic actions as a form of protest against the welfare conditions and independence of judges that have been neglected for years.

“The judges leaving for Jakarta will conduct hearings, protests, and liaise with relevant institutions and national figures concerned with judicial issues as an effort to fight for real change for the judicial profession and the Indonesian legal system,” Fauzan said.

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