Jumat 27 Sep 2024 00:29 WIB

Thousands of Judges Plan to Strike Session Starting October 7

A leave motion with judges across Indonesia is called to be held simultaneously.

Rep: Rizky Suryarandika/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Judge's hammer at trial (illustration). Thousands of judges called will hold joint leave motions or strike hearings on October 7 through October 11, 2024.
Judge's hammer at trial (illustration). Thousands of judges called will hold joint leave motions or strike hearings on October 7 through October 11, 2024.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Thousands of judges are expected to hold joint leave motions or strike hearings from October 7 to October 11, 2024. The motion is a demand to boost the welfare of judges across Indonesia.

“This movement is the embodiment of the joint commitment of all judges to fight for the welfare, independence, and honor of the judiciary in Indonesia,” Fauzan Arrasyid, spokesman for the Indonesian Judges Solidarity Movement, told reporters on Thursday (26/9/2024).

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Fauzan explained that the joint leave motion of judges across Indonesia is based on the absence of adjustments to the salaries and allowances of judges. It is listed in Government Regulation (PP) Number 94 of 2012 on the Financial Rights and Facilities of Judges Subordinate to the Supreme Court. In fact, Fauzan points out that every year there is inflation.

“This makes the salary and benefits set 12 years ago very different in value compared to the current conditions,” Fauzan said.