Kamis 19 Dec 2024 01:38 WIB

Muhammadiyah Holds Peace Building Program for Young Palestinian Generation

Training for these hundreds of young people to strengthen social cohesion in Palestine

Muhammadiyah holds Peace Building program for Palestinian youth
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Muhammadiyah holds Peace Building program for Palestinian youth

REPUBLICA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Muhammadiyah pays great attention to the Palestinian struggle against Israeli colonization. Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah Chairman Shafiq A Mughni said that the brotherhood not only sends food aid, hostages and medicine, but also provides assistance to the young Palestinian generation.

Since June 2024, Shafiq explained, the Brotherhood has held a Peacebuilding Lab or Palestinian Peace Building. This program is the result of a collaboration between Lembaga Amil Zakat Infak and Aldekah Muhammadiyah (LazISMU) and the Institute for International Relations and Cooperation (LHKI) PP Muhammadiyah.

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“This program provides counseling services, trauma healing, and training for 200 Palestinian youth to become agents of change and conduct nonviolent diplomacy,” Shafiq said in a written statement received in Jakarta on Monday (16/12/2024).

Through the Peacebuilding Lab, Palestinian youth will work with local partners to find solutions so that people in their neighborhoods do not despair easily. They are set up to be change agents who optimistically look to the future.

“They also obtained significant capacity building program assistance from programs developed by Muhammadiyah with collaboration partners,” Shafiq explained.

Chairman of LAZISMU PP Muhammadiyah Board Ahmad Imam Mujadid Rais explained that the Peacebuilding Lab series has been taking place since 11-18 December 2024 at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD). In addition to the two campuses in DIY, the program is also housed at University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) and Dakwah PP Muhammadiyah Center Building Jakarta.

In the past six years, Mujadid Rais explained, it has channeled student education aid at Gaza University as well as scholarships for Gaza Strip students studying in Indonesia.

“Similarly, the distribution of funds for the construction of the Indonesian Hospital in Hebron, emergency aid for 600 people and two hospitals, the empowerment of livestock and agriculture, the assistance of two units of blood washing equipment, assistance with warm clothes for winter and so on,” said Mujadid Rais.


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