Senin 26 Nov 2012 21:07 WIB

Indonesian Red Cross holds flood simulation exercise with Norwegian's

Flood inundates a village in Indonesia. Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) of Bojonegoro, East Java, has held a flood simulation exercise in coordination with Norwegian Red Cross on Monday. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Idhad Zakaria
Flood inundates a village in Indonesia. Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) of Bojonegoro, East Java, has held a flood simulation exercise in coordination with Norwegian Red Cross on Monday. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOJONEGORO - Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) of Bojonegoro district, East Java province, has held a flood simulation exercise in coordination with Norwegian Red Cross, in an effort to train people from Kanor sub-district to effectively deal with flooding from the overflow of Bengawan Solo River.

"Those taking part in the community-based drill are from Sarirejo, Pilanggede, and Mulyorejo the three most flood-affected villages of Kanor sub-district. We have been conducting the training exercise in cooperation with the Norwegian Red Cross since October 2011," Bojonegoro PMI secretary Sukoha Widodo said on Monday.

He stated that some 90 people from the three villages received training over a period of five days during the latest round of flood simulation exercise. "So far, we have trained at least 3,000 people under the program," Widodo noted.

After undergoing training, he added, people could effectively deal with flood situations without relying on rescue teams. "The residents received training on how to tackle floods, how to anticipate such disasters, and how to find secure locations when flooding begins to occur in the area."

"People are also taught how to store basic necessities in their bags, such as foods, beverages, important documents and certificates, among other valuable goods," he continued.

"That way, people can survive for at least two days if their areas are hit by floods," Widodo added.

He pointed out that the Regional Disaster Counter Agency (BPBD) had also recently conducted a flood simulation exercise, training 80 people living along the banks of Bengawan Solo River. "The main purpose of such exercises is to minimise losses while dealing with floods," Widodo explained.

sumber : Antara
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