Jumat 16 Feb 2018 19:03 WIB

Jakarta prone to flooding due to lack of catchment areas

Development in Jakarta was marked by massive construction work, BNPB says.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Aerial view of Kelapa Gading area, Jakarta, on Tuesday (Feb 15).
Foto: Antara/Rivan Awal Lingga
Aerial view of Kelapa Gading area, Jakarta, on Tuesday (Feb 15).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta is prone to floods owing to the lack of water catchment areas, spokesperson of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho stated.The BNPB spokesman remarked that development in Jakarta was marked by massive construction work, with the land surface lacking absorption capacity coupled with limited water catchment areas.

 "The capital city is increasingly vulnerable to flooding due to limited water catchment areas," Nugroho noted in his statement to reporters in Jakarta on Thursday.

In the meantime, soil and water conservation measures have led to some 85 percent of the rainfall in Jakarta to be converted into surface water stream.

Also read: Jakarta floods affect 100 sub-urban villages

He noted that only some 15 percent of the rainwater was absorbed by the ground and seeped into the soil. "That is the reason why every heavy rain leads to flooding and puddles in many places," he pointed out.

In future, he suggested that the government should build absorption wells, mini lake, and biopore as well as restore river tributaries and gardens for water absorption, among others.

He said the current floods and puddles had begun to subside, but the disaster could recur at any time, as the capital city cannot absorb water effectively due to natural conditions.

He said one of the causes of flooding and puddles is the inability of the urban drainage system and lack of facilities to drain the surface water. "Heavy rains cause the surface water to exceed the drainage capacity. However, floods and puddles are now receding faster," he added. 

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