Kamis 05 Feb 2015 20:00 WIB

Nigeria wants to learn about development of cooperatives in Indonesia

Foto: mapsofworld.com

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Nigeria has expressed interest in learning about the cooperative that manages the Micro-Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) in Indonesia.

"A Nigerian delegation is interested in the concept of developing cooperatives, such as the one that manages the Micro-Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH)," a deputy of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, I Wayan Dipta, said here on Wednesday.

He added that the program could encourage the development of rural economies through access to energy.

"Renewable energy, which is managed by cooperatives, is able to boost rural economies because of the presence of such energy," Dipta noted.

He explained that through cooperatives, the maintenance of the PLTMH and the environment could be managed properly.

"To evoke a sense of belonging, the construction of the PLTMH involved the local community and government," the ministry official pointed out.

Recently, the Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics (IIEE) became a partner organization of the Nigerian delegation.

The purpose behind this was that the delegation wished to discuss an electrification program with the Indonesian government.

Funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Nigerian Energy Support Program (NESP) aims to improve access to electricity in Nigeria.

The program consists of four divisions: policy reform, energy efficiency, electricity and access to sustainable energy in rural areas, and capacity building and training.

It also aims to improve the conditions for implementation and investment in renewable energy, rural electrification, and energy efficiency.

sumber : Antara
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