Kamis 05 Mar 2015 10:31 WIB

Hamas ready to resolve disputes with Egypt

Foto: muslimdaily

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GAZA -- A high-ranking Islamic Hamas movement leader on Wednesday announced that Hamas is willing to resolve and overcome recent disputes with Egypt.

Ismail Haneya, deputy chief of Hamas said in a printed emailed statement that his movement "is ready for any proposals that would remove obstacles between the Palestinian and the Egyptian brothers. "

Haneya said that he spoke on the phone with Mohamed Subaih, the deputy chief of the Arab League in Cairo and reiterated on the strategy of the ties with Egypt.

"Neither Hamas nor our people intervene into the internal affairs of Egypt or any other Arab country, where the national security of Egypt is a priority like the national security of Palestine," said Haneya.

He valued Subaih's statements in which he said that the Palestinian resistance movements "are national liberation movements and not terrorist groups and that Hamas is one of those movements."

On Saturday, a court in Cairo labelled Hamas movement as a terrorist group, just one month after the same court considered the group's armed wing al-Qassam Brigades a terrorist organization.

The Egyptian media has been accusing Hamas movement of aiding terrorist groups carried out deadly attacks against the Egyptian army in the Peninsula of Sinai in Egypt.

Ties between Hamas and Egypt were tensed following the ouster of Islamic President Mohamed Morsi in 2013 and outlawing the Muslim Brothers movement and considering the group a terrorist organization.

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