Selasa 16 Jun 2015 17:50 WIB

Some Indonesian ministers attend Queen Elizabeth birthday

Sofyan Djalil
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Sofyan Djalil

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The British Embassy in Jakarta celebrated Queen Elizabeth II birthday on Monday night with the presence of numerous Indonesian cabinet ministers.

Present at the event were among others Coordinating Minister for Economy Sofyan Djalil, Marine and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti, and Culture, Elementary and Secondary Education Minister Anies Baswedan; Indonesian Muslim fashion designer Dian Pelangi, actor Dude Harlino, and MP Tantowi Yahya, who also serves as a member of Commission I of the House of Representatives.

British Ambassador to Indonesia Moazzam Malik said their presence at the queen's birthday is the symbol of closeness of bilateral relations between Britain and Indonesia.

"This event is to mark not only the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II but also to celebrate the partnership between Britain and Indonesia, because My motto for Indonesia is to work together, and succeed together," Moazzam Malik noted.

According to CNN on its website, Queen Elizabeth II marked her official birthday in London on Saturday with a spectacular military parade and awards fro actors, sportsmen and sportswomen, business leaders and community workers.

The queen's actual birthday is on April 21 -- when the British monarch this year turned 89, but in line with tradition, her birthday is also celebrated on a summer Saturday when the weather is likely to be better for the parade, known as Trooping the Color.

The queen was joined by her husband, Prince Philip, and other members of the royal family for the ceremony in central London, led this year by the Welsh Guards.


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