Selasa 28 Jul 2015 22:05 WIB

Study: Very few Belgians move to be closer to their jobs

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BRUSSELS -- Most Belgians do not like moving house and very few Belgians move to change air or to be closer to their jobs, according to a study released Monday.

The study, conducted by the real estate agency Century 21 in Brussels, shows that Belgians living under the same roof for 30 years on average and more than 60 percent of homes are sold due to death, divorce or departure in a rest home.

Among the 1,400 Belgian respondents who sell their property, 14. 6 percent sell their property for financial reasons, it said.

Only 6.1 percent of Belgians decide to sell their property for a smaller or larger house and 7.5 percent of them sell their home to move closer to their job, the study indicated.