Ahad 27 Sep 2015 07:00 WIB

Three Indonesian students killed in bus accident in Seattle US

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Lalu Muhammad Iqbal (l)
Foto: kemlu.go.id
Lalu Muhammad Iqbal (l)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Director of Indonesian Citizen Protection, Lalu Muhammad Iqbal, conveyed that there were Indonesian citizens who became victims of an accident of school bus of North Seattle College (NCC) in Seattle, Washington, United States (US), Thursday (24/9).

"The victims are four people, three of them were injured and one died," he said, in Jakarta, Friday (25/9).

The Indonesian student who died was Privando Eduardus Putradanto (male), born 4th June 1997 with passport number 1804751. His mother was still in Harbour View Medical Hospital, Seattle.

Meanwhile, other three students who were injured, were Kenny Joshua (male), Kelvin Christian (male), and Florencia Irena (female).

Joshua was still hospitalized but had successfully passed the critical period, while his families were still waiting in Seattle. Irena was already out of the hospital and had just returned to Indonesia. Kelvin was also already out of the hospital.

The four students were part of 62 new students of NCC from Indonesia. Lalu said that Indonesian Citizens Protection and the Consul General of San Francisco Andi Hermawan, will still continue to coordinate.

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