Senin 30 Nov 2015 17:52 WIB

Google commemorates 141 years of Lucy Montgomery

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Google commemorated 141st birthday of a famous author from Canada, Lucy Maud Montgomery, on 30th November 2015. Various animation of Lucy's daily life has been displayed on Google.

Google showed Lucy's childhood, when she was walking while carrying a book on a bridge, then she grew to become a teenage girl. There was also animation of Lucy who was writing on paper while lying in the grass. Since Lucy lived as an orphan, another animation showed Lucy was tasting a cake next to her grandparents.

Throughout her life, Lucy's famous works were 'Anne of Green Gables' in 1908. She continued her other works in 20 novels, 530 short stories, 500 poems, and 30 essays.

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