Kamis 07 Apr 2016 15:50 WIB

200 illegal migtant workers died in Sarawak in 2015

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Yohanes Kurnia Irawan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A total of 200 people of Indonesian Workers (TKI) died in Sarawak throughout 2015. The Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Kuching Jahar Gultom said the majority of the workers is illegal workers. "It's a huge number and we focus to lower this figure," said Jahar on Tuesday.

Jahar said the problem of illegal workers died in Sarawak quite alarming. The numbers, Jahar said 80 percent of the total migrant workers died in the Malaysian state. He recounts, there was the case of an illegal migrant workers died on the job in a construction project. Because it does not have the complete file, the employer argued that never employ migrant workers.

Fortunately, said Jahar, the Consulate General in Kuching give assistance and demand compensation from the employer. "Without the complete file, the weak position of our workforce," said Jahar.

To reduce the death rate, the Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching hold Migrant Workers Awards. The event is a form of tribute to the exemplary migrant workers who work in Sarawak according to the procedure. The objective of the event, the awareness to work legally can be improved. Consulate also invites the public to watch the complete document before working abroad.

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