Sabtu 24 Dec 2016 20:53 WIB

South Korean President's friend to be summoned for questioning

Park Geun-hye's impeachment is being reviewed by the Constitutional Court which has up to 180 days from the day of the Dec. 9 impeachment to decide whether to uphold it or reinstate Park.
Foto: AP
Park Geun-hye's impeachment is being reviewed by the Constitutional Court which has up to 180 days from the day of the Dec. 9 impeachment to decide whether to uphold it or reinstate Park.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEOUL -- A South Korean special prosecutor probing a corruption scandal engulfing impeached President Park Geun-hye summoned a friend of hers at the centre of the crisis for questioning on Saturday on charges including bribery and embezzlement, an official said.

The questioning of Choi Soon-sil, whom Park has described as a life-long friend, came ahead of a ninth straight weekend rally in central Seoul demanding the immediate ouster of Park. Choi and other former presidential aides were charged in November with abuse of power and fraud, but Park has immunity from prosecution as long as she is in office even though her powers are suspended. "The charges in the indictment are but a very small part of he 14 points under investigation by the special prosecutor," said Lee Kyu-chul, a spokesman for the team of investigators probing the scandal.

Choi will be questioned on charges of bribery and transferring embezzled assets abroad, Lee told a briefing. Choi, wearing a grey prison uniform and a surgical mask, was taken to the special prosecutor's office from detention, pushed by a throng of correctional officers through a media scrum.

She did not answer journalists' questions about the charges. The special prosecutor has up to 100 days to investigate allegations that Park colluded with Choi and her aides to pressure big conglomerates to contribute 77 billion won ($64 million) to foundations set up to back her policy initiatives.

Park has denied wrongdoing but apologised for carelessness in her ties with Choi. The friendship dates back to the 1970s when Park served as acting first lady after her mother was killed by an assassin's bullet intended for her father, then-president Park Chung-hee. Five years later, in 1979, Park's father was murdered by his disgruntled spy chief.

Park's impeachment is being reviewed by the Constitutional Court which has up to 180 days from the day of the Dec. 9 impeachment to decide whether to uphold it or reinstate Park. Another large crowd is expected in central Seoul later in the day calling on Park to step down. A group of 1,000 young people are scheduled to dress up as Santa Claus and march to the presidential Blue House to deliver handcuffs.

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يَسْتَفْتُوْنَكَۗ قُلِ اللّٰهُ يُفْتِيْكُمْ فِى الْكَلٰلَةِ ۗاِنِ امْرُؤٌا هَلَكَ لَيْسَ لَهٗ وَلَدٌ وَّلَهٗٓ اُخْتٌ فَلَهَا نِصْفُ مَا تَرَكَۚ وَهُوَ يَرِثُهَآ اِنْ لَّمْ يَكُنْ لَّهَا وَلَدٌ ۚ فَاِنْ كَانَتَا اثْنَتَيْنِ فَلَهُمَا الثُّلُثٰنِ مِمَّا تَرَكَ ۗوَاِنْ كَانُوْٓا اِخْوَةً رِّجَالًا وَّنِسَاۤءً فَلِلذَّكَرِ مِثْلُ حَظِّ الْاُنْثَيَيْنِۗ يُبَيِّنُ اللّٰهُ لَكُمْ اَنْ تَضِلُّوْا ۗ وَاللّٰهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيْمٌ ࣖ
Mereka meminta fatwa kepadamu (tentang kalalah). Katakanlah, “Allah memberi fatwa kepadamu tentang kalalah (yaitu), jika seseorang mati dan dia tidak mempunyai anak tetapi mempunyai saudara perempuan, maka bagiannya (saudara perempuannya itu) seperdua dari harta yang ditinggalkannya, dan saudaranya yang laki-laki mewarisi (seluruh harta saudara perempuan), jika dia tidak mempunyai anak. Tetapi jika saudara perempuan itu dua orang, maka bagi keduanya dua pertiga dari harta yang ditinggalkan. Dan jika mereka (ahli waris itu terdiri dari) saudara-saudara laki-laki dan perempuan, maka bagian seorang saudara laki-laki sama dengan bagian dua saudara perempuan. Allah menerangkan (hukum ini) kepadamu, agar kamu tidak sesat. Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.”

(QS. An-Nisa' ayat 176)

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