Jumat 30 Nov 2012 18:57 WIB

Last batch of Hajj pilgrims return to Indonesia

Rep: Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The last batch of hajj pilgrims return to Indonesia on Thursday. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/N Endah Hapsari
The last batch of hajj pilgrims return to Indonesia on Thursday. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JEDDAH - The last batch of Indonesian hajj pilgrims returned to Indonesia on Thursday. Director of Hajj Service at the Ministry for Religious Affairs, Sri Ilham Lubis, thanked all related parties, including Saudi Arabian Kingdom, Muasasah and Naqaba.

"Our duty is to give the best service for the hajj pilgrims," she said on Thursday, reported by N Endah Hapsari from Republika

Lubis admitted that the hajj service still needed to be improved next year. This year, the number of Indonesian hall pilgrims coming through Saudi Arabia is 192,507, while 142,650 are arriving through Jeddah. As many as 425 pilgrims died in Saudi Arabia since the first batch of hajj pilgrims arrived. About 22 pilgrims are still undergoing treatment in Saudi Arabia hospital.




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