Sabtu 20 Jul 2013 00:53 WIB

Vian Sentosa finds peace in Islam

Rep: Indra Noor/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Virgiawan Sentosa
Foto: Republika/Mg15
Virgiawan Sentosa

Virgiawan Sentosa must have his fasting month without any meal. He only drinks water to make her skinny body survive. The young mualaf(individual who converts to Islam) must fight to live at Kemiri market, Depok, by selling plastic bags.

Vian, his nickname, officially becomes a Muslim for only two weeks. He declared his shahada at Cut Meutia Mosque, Jakarta. 

"I always think God never gives ordeal beyond the ability of his believer. Therefore, I believe that God will always give ways," Vian said on Friday.

Vian came from Bandung, West Java and raised as a Catholic. But, he never felt contempt. When entering junior high school, majority of his friends were Muslims. He often accompanied his Muslim friends went to mosque during prayers.

Secretly, Vian's symphaty towards Islam grew until he studied at Mechanical Engineering Program, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), a prestigious university in Indonesia. Vian then admitted to his parents that he wanted to be a Muslim. He was ready for any risk which he would face for being a Muslim.

Both Vian's parents were very angry and Vian decided to go to Depok, left behind his home. Yet, he never regret his decision to embrace Islam. Now, he stays in a mosque in Depok bus station.

To meet his ends, Vian sells plastic bags at 06.00 AM-11.00 AM. At maximum he usually gets only seven thousand IDR per day. But he remains grateful of what he got. He believes, God will always help His believers in various ways. 

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