Sabtu 26 Oct 2013 12:37 WIB

GP Anshor hosts Islamic finance training

Rep: Amri Amrullah/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Lambang GP Anshor (ilustrasi).
Lambang GP Anshor (ilustrasi).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Youth movement, GP Anshor of Lampung hosted Workshop on Islamic Finance for cadres of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and young teachers of Islamic Jurisprudence (fuqoha) in Lampung Province.

Islamic finance training was undertaken to enhance the understanding of cadres, especially the young fuqoha of the largest Indonesia's Muslim organization in understanding Islamic finance, local GP Anshor Secretary Muhyidin Thohir said in a release received by Republika Online (ROL).

"We want to deepen their understanding related to sharia-based Non-Bank Financial Industry (IKNB)," he said.

52 participants from Lampung attended the workdhop. The event was also attended by cleric's sons The Sons of Kyai (Gus-Gus) of Lampung province consisting from 15 districts and municipalities.

They come from city of Bandar Lampung, Kota Metro, Central Lampung, North Lampung, West Lampung, South Lampung, Lampung Timur, Way Kanan, Pringsewu, Tulang Bawang, Tulang Bawang Barat, Mesuji, Pesawaran, Tanggamus and Pesisir Barat.

Presenters of the workshop come from PP GP ANSOR, the Financial Services Authority of the Republic of Indonesia (FSA), the National Council of Sharia-Islamic Council of Ulama (MUI DSN), Pesantren Sidogiri Pasuruan, East Java, PT Asuransi Takaful and others.

Ed: Didi Purwadi

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