Selasa 28 Jan 2014 21:26 WIB

Enthusiasm on Quran recitation growing among Indonesian Muslims

Rep: Fuji Pratiwi/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A man recites Quran after noon praying at Istiqlal.
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
A man recites Quran after noon praying at Istiqlal.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Growing enthusiasm in Quran recitation among Indonesian Muslims demonstrated the increasing awareness towards their holy book, chairman of Indonesian Preacher Association (IKADI), Satori Ismail said. He praised the growing interest on Quran recitation learning or tahsin. 

"A strong nation is built on strong spirituality," Ismail said.

More tahsin programs are expected to strengthen spirituality among Indonesians. Learning Quran at early age will help Muslims to build strong spiritual foundation at adolescent stage. 

Ismail said that some institutions had developed good program in teaching Quran recitation. He added that those institutions implemented various teaching methods to attract all Muslims, children and adults to learn about Quran.