Jumat 29 May 2015 04:56 WIB

Corruption convicts facing hand cutting punishment in Aceh

Banda Aceh
Foto: Antara
Banda Aceh

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEULABOH -- The Ulema Deliberation Council (MPU) of West Aceh agrees to a proposition to cut the hands of corruption convicts in the province.

The proposition came from 50 local leaders in Aceh aimed at deterring corruption in Indonesia, Chairman of West Aceh MPU H Abdurrani said here on Thursday.

"We are very much agreeing with the proposition to cut the hands of corruption convicts in line with the Islamic instruction. What is needed is to draft a regional regulation," Abdurrani said .

The Consultation and Joint Mediation Institution (LKMB) collected signatures expressing support for the proposition from provincial leaders including academicians, non governmental organization leaders, members of the regional representative council (DPD), military, police and other community leaders.

"With special status we have I believe the proposition could be applied," Abdurrani said.

Aceh has a special status allowing it to adopt fully the Islamic law that calls for harsh punishment for thieves.

"Talking about cutting hands in Islamic law (as a punishment for thieves) is clear," he said.

Aceh, which is allowed to make its own regulation could include hand cutting chapter in regional Islamic law to serve as an example for the rest of the country in fighting corruption, he said.

He said he did not see any chapter in the country's law being violated by the hand cutting proposition if it is adopted nationally.

Adoption of the hand cutting policy, however, still depend on the provincial MPU, he said.

sumber : Antara
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