Rabu 12 Aug 2015 16:38 WIB

Japanese students learn to read Quran in Indonesia

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Feny Selly

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Two Japanese students learned to read the Holy Quran in Luqman al-Hakim girl’s junior high school, in Pesantren Hidayatullah Complex, Kejawan Putih Tambak, Mulyorejo, Surabaya.

"Two guests from Japan who visited our school on Monday (10/8) to conduct educational cultural exchange are Chizua Toma and Ayumi Nakasone," said the Head of Luqman al-Hakim girl’s junior high school, Somi Suradi, Tuesday (11/8).

The arrival of two Japanese students have become international experience for the local students. So that the local students can be inspired to continue their education in Japan.

"I saw that Indonesian students are also diligent," said one Japanese student, Ayumi Nakasone, who was also a teacher of mathematics in Japan.

She offers local students to continue their education in Japan. The Japanese government welcomes students from Indonesia to study in Japan.

In this educational cultural exchange, Chizua Toma who was also a bank employee in Japan was asked to become an impromptu teacher. Chizua taught Japanese language which directly interpreted to Indonesian language by the interpreter.

Several girl students of Luqman al-Hakim school also became teachers for Chizua and Ayumi in reading the Holy Quran.

"Qulhu ..." said Zoya, one of the students when teaching Chizua and Ayumi.

Although Ayumi and Chizua are not muslims. They felt happy to be taught to read the Quran.

“Not only studying culture, but also Islam,” Ayumi said.

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