Kamis 17 Mar 2016 21:07 WIB

Pesantren urged to help combating Drugs

Menko Polhukam Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
Menko Polhukam Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JOMBANG -- Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, has called on Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) to help combating the circulation of drugs.

"Do not be surprised if government officials could also be involved in drug abuse. That is why I have urged Islamic boarding schools to also anticipate the dangers of drugs," Panjaitan remarked while visiting the Tambakberas Islamic boarding school in Jombang, East Java, on Wednesday (16/3).

He expressed regret that government officials were also involved in drug abuse, such as the case of Ogan Ilir District Head A.W. Noviadi who tested positive for using drugs.

In East Java, Panjaitan said as quoted by Antara news agency, it also was reported that some Islamic boarding school students were found to have used drugs. Therefore, he expressed hope that the students of Islamic boarding schools would actively participate in the efforts to eradicate drug abuse.

Commissioner General Budi Waseso, head of the National Narcotic Agency (BNN), stated that Indonesia was now in a state of drug emergency. In such a situation, he opined that it was necessary to involve the Indonesian Army in drug eradication efforts.

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