Jumat 20 Jan 2017 23:26 WIB

MUI condemns its member for visiting Israel

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Israel built illegal residences in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Foto: EPA
Israel built illegal residences in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Council  of Ulama (MUI) condemned its members from the Commission for Women and Families' Empowerment for visiting Israel. MUI clarified that their presence did not represent MUI as institution.

The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs of MUI, Muhyidin Junaidi, said that there were some Indonesian nationals came to visit Israel. Some of them were the members of the Commission for Women and Families’ Empowerment. They came to Jerusalem as an invitation from Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. He insisted that they were not representing MUI. "MUI hardly condemns the visit on behalf of anything," he told Republika.co.id on Thursday.

One of the members was Istibsjaroh as the chairman of the commission. Muhyidin said she should understand the position of MUI and Indonesia in dealing with problems in Palestine. He added that, recently, the Jewish in the world were in the upper hand due to the Donald Trump’s policy to shift the American embassy to Jerusalem. The Israeli claimed that they shifted the capital of the country from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. 

For what she have done, Muhyidin asked Istibsjaroh to resign from the recent position as the chairman of the Commission for Women' and Families’ Empowerment, even before MUI leaders make any decisions. "It's better for the muruah (honor_rep) of MUI and Indonesia," he said.

The visit also got some comments from the Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives, Fahri Hamzah. He said Istibsjaroh should not come to Israel considering that Indonesia does not recognize the Israel. "What needs to be realized by the leaders is that we do not have any diplomatic relations with Israel. It is a concern, because this is very principle," said Fahri in the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta on Friday.

He asked the leaders and officials to consider the conditions. By having a visit, it means a recognition to Israel as a state. In fact, Indonesia continuously struggle the liberation of Palestine from the Zionist occupation. Fahri resemble the visit as insulting the founding fathers of Indonesia.

"It shows that boasting a visit to Israel is the same as insulting the founder of the nation, Bung Karno, and insulting the mandate of the opening of our Constitution," said Fahri.

However, he was not concerned if there is an Indonesian citizen visited Israel, including any official and leader of the country, as long as it is not in the interests of the official event with the country officials. 

Highlighted by Israeli Media

The visit of MUI members to Israel became a topic of conversation in the country. A number of local media highlighted it. Times of Israel on Wednesday (January 18) made a title "Rivlin Meets with Muslim Leaders from Indonesia." 

The president welcomed the Indonesian delegation at his residence. He hopes to encourage cooperation and interaction between both countries. "I assure you that Jerusalem is the City of God. Everyone can worship according to their beliefs and Israel will continue to defend that right. It does not matter what the propaganda of anti-Israel. The propaganda only provoked the Islamic world to fight against Israel," said him.

Meanwhile, as quoted by Times of Israel, Ibtisjaroh said in front of the delegation that it was an honor to visit Israel. He told of how Indonesia consists of more than 17 thousand islands. Although having different cultures and religions, all remain the nation of Indonesia.

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