Selasa 20 Mar 2018 19:05 WIB

MUI to hold discussion with PGI about PGGJ's demand

MUI, PGI will find solution to the problem arose from PGGJ's demand.

Rep: Fuji Eka Permana, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Muslims in Papua.
Foto: ROL/Agung Sasongko
Muslims in Papua.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Inter-religious harmony department of Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) informed the Council will hold a meeting with the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) in the next couple of days. The two organizations will discuss the demand of Jayapura branch of Churches' communion (PGGJ).

Head of Inter-religious harmony department MUI, Yusnar Yusuf said the construction of Al Aqsha Sentani mosque in Jayapura has been approved by the Papuan Governor. However, PGGJ demanded minaret of the mosque's construction should be stopped and dismantled

PGGJ objected to the height of minaret that exceed the height of churches in the surrounding areas. They also disturbed with the sound of adzan (call for prayers) voiced over loudspeaker. Moreover, they claimed Kenambai Umbai as the land of Christ's gospel civilization.

PGGJ posed a threat following their demand. They set a deadline for the dismantle of minaret maximum on March 31. On the other hand, they also forbid Muslim to preach in Papua, especially in Jayapura. 

In their written statement, PGGJ also not allowing students to wear uniform that represent their religious beliefs. No prayer rooms should be made available for Muslims in public areas, they ordered. 

Yusnar assessed the demand has been widened. "It seems intolerance has occurred," Yusnar remarked.

However, during stakeholders meeting on Monday (March 19) in Jayapura Regent's office, the Muslims and Christians representatives have agreed to form a working team to solve the problem. The team will start to work on Wednesday. "In the meantime, in Jakarta, MUI and PGI will also have a dialogue to bring peace, to prevent further conflict," Yusnar said to at his office on Tuesday.

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