Selasa 22 May 2018 15:52 WIB

Ministry to broaden list of recommended preachers

Last week, Religious Affairs Ministry issues a list of 200 preachers.

Rep: Muhyiddin, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
List of 200 preachers recommended by the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Foto: Kementerian Agama
List of 200 preachers recommended by the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Religious Affairs will add a number of preachers on the list of recommended preachers this week. Last week, the Ministry issued a list of 200 preachers and it triggered a commotion in the society.

"We expect this week there will be second list and next week third list, and so on," said Ministry of Religious Affairs secretary general Nur Syam said on Monday (May 21).

The first list of recommended preachers by the ministry contained 200 names. According to Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin the list was made based on inputs from religious mass organizations, grand mosques, and others.

Lukman also said the list was issued to answer questions from society. He said many people are asking recommendation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs about names of preachers who can preach both at mosque and other places.

However, Nur Syam said the first list of recommended preachers is only temporary. It will be broadened in accordance with the advice from society and Islamic organizations.

Also read: Religious Affairs Minister apologizes over preachers list

He asserted the preachers who will be listed must fulfill three criterias, namely competent, good reputation and experience, and highly committed to the nation.

Being on the list of 200 recommended preachers has made some prominent Muslim figures felt uncomfortable. KH Abdullah Gymnastiar (Aa Gym), for example, has asked the Ministry to evaluate the recommended list.

He assessed the referral of the list should be discussed first with the involvement of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and leaders of Islamic organizations.

So we can make a fair policy and supported by many people, Aa Gym said.

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