Rabu 23 May 2018 00:11 WIB

Jimly hopes no political intention on preachers' list

Last week, Religious Affairs Ministry issues a list of 200 preachers.

Rep: Febrian Fachri, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
List of 200 preachers recommended by the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Foto: Kementerian Agama
List of 200 preachers recommended by the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Muslim Intelectuals Association (ICMI) Chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie asked the Ministry of Religious Affairs to confirm that no political intention in their effort to create a list of recommended Muslim preachers. The Ministry is about to broaden the list of 200 recommended preachers.

He said the ministry only have to carry out their task of completing preachers database in Indonesia, in order to modernize the world of da'wah in the country.

"To complete database of preachers is important to modrenize, but it has to be free from political purposes," said Jimly.

It would be wrong if the list was created to provide information for State Intelligence Agency (BIN) or National Police. For the sake of investigating the preacher's political motives, for example. "It's not the Ministry of Religious Affairs' job," said Jimly.

He asked people to end commotion due to issuance of the list. He urged the people to maintain positive thinking to the Ministry of Religious Affairs decision.

"They have explained that the data base was created only to measure the strength of da'wah in Indonesia," he said.

He assessed it will be difficult if the purpose behind the preachers list is to control ulemas and world of dawah in Indonesia. Jimly said such thing has been tried since the Dutch era. However, it can not be done due to da'wah and ulemas in Indonesia come from the people.

Last week, Ministry of Religious Affairs issued list of 200 preachers. The list has triggered a commotion in the society.

According to Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin the list was made based on inputs from religious mass organizations, grand mosques, and others. He also said the list was made to answer questions from the society about recommended preachers.

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