Senin 03 Sep 2018 23:26 WIB

Kiai Cholil recommends UAS to visit Muhammadiyah, NU, MUI

Kiai Cholil says some groups of people misunderstood UAS.

Rep: Fuji Eka Permana/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Ustaz Abdul Somad
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Ustaz Abdul Somad

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of Da'wah Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH M Cholil Nafis expected ustaz Abdul Somad would pay friendship visits to mass organizations leaders and had discussion with public figures. By doing so, he could explain his perspective on cases of against him.

"I recommend ustaz Somad to come to general chairman of Muhammadiyah, general chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama, and MUI chairman to explain the people's misunderstanding," Kiai Cholil said to on Monday.

Kiai Cholil admitted ustaz Somad was well-accepted in the military (TNI), but he assumed some groups of people misunderstood the charismatic preacher. However, it would be difficult to explain himself directly to the community.

Therefore, Kiai Cholil suggested ustaz Somad to visit Islamic figures at the national and regional levels. On the other hand, he asked all parties to reconcile.

The people should not be vigilantes. Kiai Cholil asked the people not to halt preacher who wanted to give lectures.

"If there is a lecture that threat nationalism and Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia, the people should file a police report," he said, adding that such rejection was not good for Islamic brotherhood and Indonesia's unity.

He asserted the security forces also should guarantee the course of da'wah, except if it was against the law.

Ustaz Somad decided to cancel some of his lectures in Central Java, East Java, and Special Administrative Region of Yogyakarta. Through his Instagram account @ustadzabdulsomad, the prominent preacher admitted that the step was taken as a response to threat and intimidation against his lectures in some regions, namely Grobogan, Kudus, Jepara dan Semarang

Ustaz Somad said burden faced by the organizing committee was getting heavier. He cancelled the schedule to give lectures in some regions after paying attention to psychological condition of the congregation and himself.

"Therefore, I cancel promises to preach in Malang, Solo, Boyolali, Jombang, and Kediri (September); Yogyakarta (Oktober); and an agreement to give lecture along with ustad Zulfikar in East Java (December),” the Baznas' Tithe Ambassador explained when being confirmed by on Monday.

Ustaz Somad deplored various incidents of rejection that he experienced. "We are not at a war against Israel. It was just a lecture," the alumni of post-graduate education at the Dar al-Hadith al-Hasaniyyah Institute, Morocco, said.

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