Rabu 12 Sep 2018 21:00 WIB

West Java Provincial Government to invite ustaz Abdul Somad

Ustaz Abdul Somad is expected to give a lecture to commemorate Islamic new year.

Rep: Arie Lukihardianti, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Ustaz Abdul Somad
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Ustaz Abdul Somad

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG — West Java Provincial Government planned to invite ustaz Abdul Somad to commemorate the Islamic New Year 1440 Hijri. The famous preacher was scheduled to deliver his lecture on the event that will be held on 10 Muharam or Thursday (Sept 20).

West Java deputy governor Uu Ruzhanul Ulum said he proposed ustaz Somad to be a speaker on the event. He hoped ustaz Somad with his tight schedule would spare his time to meet the invitation.

Uu said he was sworn a few days ago and he has aksed his staff to contact ustaz Somad. When asked why did he choose to invite ustaz Somad, he explained that ustaz Somad always conveying knowledge, not assumption during his lectures.

"His lectures are very suitable and accepted by West Java people,” said Uu on Wednesday (Sept 12).

According to Uu, the knowledge that ustaz Somad conveyed is almost same as most people in West Java. Uu disagreed with certain parties who rejected ustaz Somad by claiming that his lectures are too harsh.

He stressed ustaz Somad's lectures never contradicted with Islamic values in Indonesia. "Ustaz Somad also does not take side when giving lecture about politics," Uu said.

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