Rabu 03 Oct 2018 06:10 WIB

Indonesian Ulema Council condemns gay's party and play

Condemnation by Indonesian Ulema Council was done to protect the people.

Anti-LGBT campaign. (Illustration)
Anti-LGBT campaign. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) condemned a gay group that organized and joined a "party and play" in a house in Central Jakarta's Sunter area, Sunday. Local police has dispersed the gathering and arrested them.

"The MUI condemns the gays involved in holding and participating in the party and play. What they have done is strictly prohibited by religion and damned by God," Secretary of the MUI Commission for Legal and Regulation Affairs Muhammad Luthfie Hakim stated here on Tuesday.

The condemnation was necessarily expressed to demonstrate MUI's rejection to the acts of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community members. It was part of the council's preventive efforts to protect the people at large from being influenced by the gays' behavior, he stated.

Also read: House speaker committed to stemming legalization of LGBT

With regard to the Central Jakarta police's success in dispersing and arresting the gays for their involvement in the drug abuse and sex party on Sunday, the MUI has highly lauded the law enforcers, Hakim stated.

"The views of certain elements in society that the LGBT people's sexual behavior is not a sort of abnormality will only favor the further growth of this homosexual community," he cautioned.

"We are so afraid of Allah Taala's (God's) severe punishment as experienced by societies in the past," he stated.

Antara noted that the MUI has consistently called on the legislation to ban LGBT activities in Indonesia and to categorize their acts as crimes.

sumber : Antara
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