Jumat 26 Apr 2019 16:27 WIB

Some benefits of fasting

Fasting is beneficially for both spiritual and physical.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Ani Nursalikah
Foto: Pixabay

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- Ramadhan 1440 Hijriyah will start in the next few days. All Muslims in the world soon to meet a month full of blessings and one of the main worship in this holy month is fasting.

There are a lot of benefits from fasting. According to Habib Abdurrahman Al-Habsy, the benefits both spiritual and physical.

“Fasting educates someone to be a person who is patient and trustful to Allah SWT,” said Al-Habsy through press release on Friday.

Al-Habsy said fasting and other worships during Ramadhan teach people to hold their emotions. Another benefit is people will be more fearful to Allah SWT.

“Third, fasting also has social benefit, from practising discipline to strengthen unity especially with families and gather with the community. This is the effect of ijtimaiyyah (togetherness),” Al-Habsy explained.

Al-Habsy said, the fourt benefit is for human’s health. As people knew from many health studies of fasting, someone who fasting for one month is healthier than those who doesn’t.

“Fasting during Ramadhan Insya Allah (God willing) has a real impact for our health. As Rasulullah (Prophet Muhammad SAW) said, fasting and you must be healthy,” said Al-Habsy.

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